Die CanJam ist die weltweit führende Kopfhörer-Audio-Messe mit jährlichen Veranstaltungen in New York City, Singapur, Los Angeles, London und Shanghai und wird von Head-Fi.org, der weltweit größten Online-Audio-Community, veranstaltet. Die CanJam ist die führende Plattform der Kopfhörerindustrie für ausstellende Marken, um ihre Produktvertriebskanäle zu erweitern, mit ihren Kunden und Branchenkollegen zu interagieren und sich mit der internationalen Audio-, Lifestyle- und Technologiepresse auszutauschen.
Die Besucher der CanJam haben die einmalige Gelegenheit, die allerneueste Kopfhörer- und tragbare Audiotechnologie mit interaktiven Produktdemos, Seminaren und vielem mehr zu erleben.
Thanks for all the visitors, friends, existing and new customers who stopped at our booth at CanJam London 2022, what an amazing weekend we have had together. We were blown away by the enthusiasm from our fans and all the audiophiles who sampled our full product line-up as well as provided valuable feedback! We take onboard all the feedback and to continue strive in providing better products for future to come.
For those of whom cannot make it to the weekend, please join Letshuoer time-machine journey back to this amazing weekend together!
Let’s go!
Letshuoer attended the CanJam London event between 30th July to 31st July, 2022, along with 40+ other exhibitors whom all brought their best offering to the show.
We Letshuoer, also brought our latest product, single Dynamic Driver – LETSHUOER D13 to the show, which has been well-received by our listeners.
It was such a great event, Letshuoer felt the full enthusiasm and passion from our audiophile visitors as well as engaged in various discussions about our products, tuning philosophy and fun facts behind the scenes at our R&D and factories.
What stroke us the most was the contrast preference of each of our ear autonomy, our preference of music and our library: in several occasions our listener each prefer one of the LETSHUOER EJ07 series! Rest assured though, there will be one for you.
We also have received very positive feedback on our flagship, LETSHUOER EJ09 being described as the best flagship performance in this price point that even rival several other much higher prices set! Can’t wait for more people to experience our wonderful EJ09.
Bringen Sie zu einem Ende der Veranstaltung, wir danken allen für die Leidenschaft und Liebe zur Musik! Letshuoer streben höchste audiophile HiFi-Produkte für unsere globale Musikliebhaber, Letshuoer ANYWHERE bieten! Diesen September @Wuhan, China, wir sehen Sie dort!