
LETSHUOER S15 第三世代14.8mm平面駆動型ドライバー 「R-Sonic」パッシブフィルタモジュール 有線イヤホン インイヤーモニター

$329.00 $259.00


LETSHUOER S15 - 平面駆動型イヤホンの斬新進化

S15 より広い音場
  • 「第三世代」14.8mm大口径平面駆動型ドライバー + 6mm「R-Sonic」パッシブフィルタモジュール(PFM)
  • 斬新な構造と高音質
  • 2つの物理音響管によるフィルタークロスオーバー
  • 高域と低域をスムーズに伸ばせる豊かなサウンド
  • 高精度な一体成型3Dプリント技術によるシェル
  • CNCプロセスで製造されアルミ合金製フェイスプレート
  • 人間工学デザインを用いた筐体は皮膚にも優しい樹脂を使用
  • 216本単結晶銅銀メッキ線材
  • 2.5mmバランス, 3.5mmアンバランス, 4.4mmバランス交換可能なプラグ
  • 0.78mm 2-pin コネクター
  • 豊富なアクセサリー
  • 全ては最高なサウンドのために生まれました。


Style: S15

  • S15
  • S15+M11 3.5mm
  • S15+M11 4.4mm
  • S15+DT01
  • S15+ LR-Nebula 3.5mm
  • S15+ LR-Nebula 4.4mm
  • S15+DT03
  • S15 OPEN BOX
出荷時期は未定です。 [19041994]
$329.00 $259.00
以内にご注文の場合、 - の間にお届けします。 hoursminutes


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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Matt Barnhill
My first IEM experience

I've had the S15's for about a week now, and even without much break-in time they sound incredible. I've used earbuds throughout my life but have typically been a headphone listener, specifically open back headphones. I love my planar headphones and wanted to get some good IEM's, so a planar IEM made sense. I'm very impressed by the soundstage coming from these. Not quite as wide as you get in a traditional open back headphone, but MUCH wider than any earbuds I've ever owned. The detail and clarity is of course fantastic as planar's always are, but you don't lose any warmth. There is plenty of bass presence in the sound without being boomy. Without messing with any kind of EQ, I really love the sound signature coming from these.

The build quality of these is awesome, including the cord. I really don't feel any need to upgrade from the cord in any way, it is very well made. I love the design and fit/finish of the monitors themselves. The earbuds provided were nice, and after experimenting a bit I settled on the small size. They are taking a little bit of getting used to and my ears initially were a bit sore after listening for more than an hour at a time, but changing to the smaller size earbuds has helped.

I've tested mine using jazz (Bill Evans, Sonny Rollins, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, Pat Metheny) orchestral (Arvo Part, Mahler Symphony No. 6 and 2) rock (Yes, Pink Floyd, Alice In Chains, Frank Zappa, Rush) and some acoustic country (Tony Rice) and everything I throw at them sounds fantastic.

The shipping took a little time coming straight from China, but really wasn't too bad and the tracking worked fine. The packaging is nice, though I plan to get a carrier for my DAP and earbuds in the future.

Highly recommended!


These Letshuoer S15's are excellent. I have paired them with my MP3 player, Steam Deck, MacBook - and they all sound absolutely amazing with these headphones. When watching a loud and action packed TV show or movie - I can actually decipher and understand the dialog when there is a lot of noise in the background - something which is impossible these days when watching on my TV or phones speakers. These headphones are able to output the entire range in great clarity no matter how much low and high frequency audio is being crammed into a scene.

The build quality is also excellent. The cables are very strong and well insulated. There are 3 atttachments so these can be used with any kind of output source you will find commonly on audio players, phones or amplifiers.

All round these are premium and high quality headphones. If you are unsure about paying a premium for in ear headphones I would strongly recommend you try these ones and decide if the price is worth the upgrade in quality - I am sure the answer will be yes once you try.


I listen to a lot of EDM with a smattering of 80's and a drop of a lot of other stuff. These excel at all music genres I have thrown at them. To give you an idea, I usually listen to any of my headphones or IEMs for an hour or two a day. After unboxing these, They stayed in my ears for over six hours. I did not want to stop listening to them, they are that good.

The quality of the IEMs and accessories are top notch to boot. Plenty of options for ear tips to find the right fit and the quality of the modular cable is fantastic. This is the first set of IEMs where I didn't want to swap the cable immediately. Blue being my favorite color, I find the shad of powder blue here quite fetching. The screw case that is included is a fun way to keep these clean and safe between listening sessions. A+ for the accessories.

I can not sing these enough praise. I was a bit skeptical, but that disappeared after the first song. Amazing bass extension, perfect mids and highs that are clean and crisp without being fatiguing. Now this is just one non-audiophiles opinion on a set of 40ish year old ears, but I have been a music lover since the age of 6 with a crappy tape player from Sears and all manner of gear since then, and these really amazed me. They say in headphones that once you find a pair you are happy with to stop because this hobby can suck any wallet dry. Well for me, as far as IEMs go, this is the end. Check please, I am thrilled with these. I can't recommend them enough.


It's a better overall sound, such as high-resolution, high-resolution, constant-sense dynamic, and there's no this power. It is. I can feel the tendency of monitoring earphones. If you change the cable, it will be a funny earphone. It is a very well made earphone!

Sonic perfection!

I was interested in trying a planar IEM but wasn't sure where to dip my toe in. Since there are not a lot of players in the planar IEM market, my research lead me to Letshuoer whom I'd never heard of prior to. I am more of a headphone kind of guy but have my fair share of IEMs. I tend to stick to sub $100 IEM for the lack of frequency of use, I hate to have expensive things sitting around not being used.

I was a bit hesitant at the price these are listed at. All I can say is I can not be happier with these. When I first put them in and plugged the balance lead into my Fiio X5 III player, I was literally blown away by the sound coming out of these. My go to headphones are my HiFiMan Edition XS, which are planar drivers too.

This is as close to the sound signature of the Edition XS that I have heard out of an IEM. I was not expecting much in the bass department as I have heard from other reviews that planar IEMs lack the physical slam that dynamic drivers can provide. I was taken aback at the level of bass, both in quantity and quality. The tuning on these, to my ears, is perfect. Everything sounds effortless coming out of these.

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LETSHUOER S15 第三世代14.8mm平面駆動型ドライバー 「R-Sonic」パッシブフィルタモジュール 有線イヤホン インイヤーモニター

$329.00 $259.00